Hadlittle accident which made my beloved finger bleeding T.T
Got lot
money...went to the bank and found that it closed.. T.T
Picked up new
members of my family, Sipi and Ata :D
Had quality
time with my family... watching movie on TV <3
yours? :)
Anyway, talking about 2012, 2012 just likes other years for me...some special some
disappointing, some plans ran successfully but others failed.. got something I
didn’t plan before then had myself was far away from what I really want to
buy... but still praising Allah for all of His kindness to me, my family, my
friends, and all people <3
One best wish ever after, hoping that next year will be better..hahahha
Arrrwww... the rain seems like wanna join the farewell party to let 2012
A whole
day with cloud, rain,
and cold...Trapped at home, can’t go anywhere... perfect! Anyway, the rain gives me inspiration
to find some interesting pictures which take rain photograph as its
theme..Here are some pictures which successfully catch my heart..hahaha
Adakah yang sedang galau memikirkan jodoh? Permasalahan yang krusial sekali ya :P
Kebetulan ketika saya menjelajah tadi saya sempat
membawa oleh-oleh..apa itu?? Penasaran?? Kasih tau nggak yahh? :P
Ini dia oleh-olehnya, sebuah surat yang cukup
mengelitik benak saya yang saya ambil darisini...semoga
bermanfaat dan menghibur :)
Doa Minta Jodoh (Surat Terbuka Untuk Tuhan)
Bolehkan aku mengintip sedikit, cukup wajahnya saja
Tuhan, siapa yang jadi istriku kelak… Karena, jika telah kuketahui sosoknya
sebelumnya.. Aku tak perlu khawatir akan keraguanku.
Pun, jika dia masih jauh dari jangkauanku, dengan
senang hati aku akan memperjuangkannya, meskipun harus bercucur keringat darah
Tahukah Engkau Tuhan… Karena Engkau begitu pelit
dengan segala rahasia-Mu, telah banyak hati yang terzalimi. Bahkan mungkin,
nyaris melakukan tindakan yang jauh dari ampunan-Mu, yaitu merebut minuman yang
harusnya menjadi hak serangga. Tak kasihan kah kau pada serangga itu Tuhan…
Ah! Maaf Tuhan… Jadi OOT. Jangan di-bata ya Tuhan.. :D
Jika memang Engkau kekeuh tak
berkenan memberi bocoran, pun tak mempan suap, it’s ok Tuhan.
Aku pasrahkan semuanya dalam kehendak-Mu…
Jika kau memaksa menjodohkanku dengan Sandra Dewi, aku
pun tak punya pilihan lain untuk menolak Tuhan…Tapi,
kurasa kasihan nanti.. Dunia akan gempar! Para ilmuwan akan panik! Mengetahui
fenomena alam ini. Karena dalam era modern seperti sekarang, mu’jizat sudah
dianggap hal yang absurd!
Untuk itu, tak perlulah Engkau memaksakan jodohku
seorang wanita sempurna fisiknya Tuhan. Cukuplah, seorang yang membuatku nyaman
ketika bersamanya.
Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaanNya ialah Dia
menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung
dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikanNya diantaramu
rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat
tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berpikir. (Qs. Ar. Ruum (30) : 21).
Tak perlulah dari keluarga ningrat. Cukuplah, jika ia
dan keluarganya ikhlas menerimaku dan keluargaku menjadi bagian keluarga
mereka, sama seperti keikhlasanku dan keluargaku menerima mereka menjadi
keluarga kami yang baru.
“Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari
seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa
dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya
orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling
bertakwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha
Mengenal”. (QS.Al-Hujurat(49):13).
Tak perlu memiliki harta melimpah, tapi cukuplah ia
gemar bersedekah.
…dan persetubuhan salah seorang dari kalian (dengan
isterinya) adalah shadaqah." [alhadits]
Tak perlu berbudi pekerti luhur, tapi semoga ia bukan
wanita keras kepala, tipis nuraninya, dan buta mata hatinya.
Tak perlu memiliki kecerdasan dan tingkat intelejensia
di atas rata-rata, tapi cukuplah jika ia sadar dengan kerelaan menyerahkan diri
sepenuhnya dalam tanggung jawabku.
Tak perlu harus selalu memahamiku, tapi cukuplah ia
jika tak memberatkanku.
Tak perlu harus selalu melayaniku, tapi cukuplah jika
ia ikhlas dalam keterpurukanku.
Tak perlu harus pintar masak, tapi cukuplah jika ia
sadar dan mengerti bahwa dalam makanan ada keberuntungan, dan keberuntungan itu
‘mahal’. Yang harganya tak bisa terbeli dengan ke’mubazir’an.
Tak perlu harus pintar mengurus rumah, tapi cukuplah
jika ia bisa menjaga kehormatan ‘rumah’. Orang jawa bilang: Mikul
dhuwur, mendhem jero.
Tak perlu harus pintar dalam mendidik anak, tapi
cukuplah jika ia tahu dan sadar, bahwa waktu kebersamaan tak bisa digantikan
uang jajan. Dan, kasih sayang tak bisa digantikan maaf dan penyesalan.
Bagi kalian Allah menciptakan pasangan-pasangan
(istri-istri) dari jenis kalian sendiri, kemudian dari istri-istri kalian itu
Dia ciptakan bagi kalian anak cucu keturunan, dan kepada kalian Dia
berikan rezeki yang baik-baik (Qs. An Nahl (16) : 72).
Tak perlu seorang alim, tapi cukuplah jika ia bersedia
mengingatkanku dan mau kuingatkan jika masing-masing dari kami berada dalam
Dan orang-orang yang beriman, lelaki dan perempuan,
sebahagian mereka (adalah) menjadi pelindung (penolong) bagi sebahagian yang
lain. Mereka menyuruh (mengerjakan) yang ma’ruf, mencegah dari yang
munkar, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, dan mereka taat kepada
Allah dan Rasulnya. Mereka itu akan diberi rahmat oleh Allah ; sesungguhnya
Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana (Qs. At Taubah (9) : 71).
Ah! Requestku kebanyakan ya Tuhan…
Maaf ya Tuhan..
Tapi, bagaimanapun ia, jika ia pilihan-Mu, aku yakin itu terbaik
Wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik. Lelaki
yang baik untuk wanita yang baik pula (begitu pula sebaliknya). Bagi mereka
ampunan dan rizki yang melimpah (yaitu : Surga) (Qs. An Nuur (24) : 26).
Last but Not Least Tuhan…
Ada ulama yang mengatakan, "Jodoh itu di Tangan Tuhan, tapi
kalau ga diambil ya di Tangan Tuhan terus!"
Apa itu benar Tuhan?
Ah! Rahasia lagi…
No Prob Tuhan..
Karena aku tahu, dibalik semua rahasia-Mu, terdapat kebaikan yang
memaksa setiap orang untuk terus meningkatkan ikhtiar dan tawakkalnya.
"Dan segala sesuatu kami jadikan
berpasang-pasangan, supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran Allah." (QS. Adz
Dzariyaat (51) : 49)
Akhirul kalam..
Terima kasih Tuhan telah mendengarkan rajukanku, hamba-Mu yang
manja ini..
(Emangnya Tuhan doang yang bisa maen rahasia2an! :p)
"Dan nikahkanlah orang-orang yang sendirian di
antara kamu, dan orang-orang yang layak (menikah) dari hamba sahayamu yang
lelaki dan hamba-hamba sahayamu yang perempuan. JIKA MEREKA MISKIN ALLAH AKAN
MENGKAYAKAN MEREKA DENGAN KARUNIANYA. Dan Allah Maha Luas (pemberianNya) dan
Maha Mengetahui." (QS. An Nuur (24) : 32).
Long time no post on
my blog... cause I’m too lazy to make any writing.. damn me :<... Alright, meet me again..here in Kaleidoscope where I’m sharing
everything about my life..akakaka
life anyway?
Sejauh ini saya kurang
baik-baik saja.. why? How come? Actually I don’t know exactly why do I become
like this. Galau? Masih ababil?
Life is unpredictable,
isn’t it?
Tapi kali ini saya
tidak ingin membahas masalah hati saya atau hidup saya.. This time I wanna show
you some pictures.. Ini kenangan saya bersama teman saya kemaren setelah sekian
lama saya menginginkan pantai... one more..PANTAAAIIIII!!!!
Let’s check it out :)
such a blue moment
me and aul
fishing seems legit :D
beautiful :3
almost get the sunset
kincir angin
Well, itu tadi cerita holidei saya dipantai...so,
how's yours? :)
weeks ago,my class had a field
trip for Speaking class in Prambanan temple.The
temple is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and also one of the largest
Hindu temples in Southeast Asia.It
is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple
architecture,and by the towering
47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.The temple is located
approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta city on the boundary between
Yogyakarta and Central Java province.Prambanan
is one of the most majestic temples in the Southeast Asia and it attracts many
visitors worldwide.Because of
it,we chose that place.
field trip held on Monday,April
30th2012.We went there by motor cycle.We arrieved in Prambanan Temple at 10 am then we bought tickets.We had an assignment to do there.Our lecturer,Miss Iryna,gave an assignment to interview many
foreigners and made an essay from the interview.We had to practice our speaking
ability and learned how to speak fluently from the foreigners.So,after
we entered the temple,we started
to huntbule.Buleis
an expression which means foreigner in Indonesia.
I did that interview together with Kikik,Fajrul,and Adit so we did not feel nervous.We worked together and helped each
other to do it.When I got my
first target,I still had
butterflies in my stomach.I lost
my train of thoughts.In the end,I told myself to walk closer.I introduced myself and asked to have
an interview.My first target was
a girl from Italy named Rosalina.Actually
she did not want to have an interview but finally she said yes and gave us a
chance to ask two questions only.I
prepared my note and my handphone to record the interview.My first question was her opinion
about Indonesia culture.She
answered,“It is mixed. The culture is
very different in each island like Java,Bali,etc.”My second question was about her first impression about Indonesia.She told us that she was really
surprised by Indonesian because they were very kind,open-minded,and polite.
Our first foreigner, Rosalina from Italy
target done.
We continued our walk around the temple to find another foreigner. Getting bad luck, many foreigners rejected us. It was not easy to get a foreigner. Many of them considered us as
We knew that from their expression when we were getting closer to them and from
what they said.
We felt very upset until we saw an old man sitting under a tree. First time I saw this old man, I wanted to have an interview with
him and I got the chance.We
got closer and introduced ourself one by one.
Adit, Kikik, Mr. Peter, Lissa, Ajul
the interview,
I got many information about him such as his name,
his job,
his hobby,
his opinion about Indonesia,
his story about New Zealand,
etc. His name is
Peter. He came from
New Zealand.New Zealand is an island country located in the
southwestern Pacific Ocean.
The country geographically comprises two main landmasses, that of the North and South
as well as numerous smaller islands.
New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres east of Australia across the
Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres south of the Pacific island nations of
New Caledonia,
Fiji, and Tonga.
to Mr. Peter, New Zealans weather and climate
are of paramount importance to the people of New Zealand, as many New Zealander make their
living from the land.
New Zealand has mild temperatures,
moderately high rainfall,
and many hours of sunshine throughout most of the country. New Zealand climate is dominated
by two main geographical features: the mountains and the sea.
Zealand is a land of unique birds.
The best known is the flightless kiwi,
New Zealand unofficial national symbol.
Kiwi are blind,
usually nocturnal.
They dig the ground to get some insects.
Mr. Peter told us a funny story about Kiwi.
There is a Kiwi House in New Zealand which protects Kiwi from extinction. In that house, the day is transformed into night
when the most famous native bird,
the kiwi,wakes
up. Here, the visitors will see a kiwi
foraging for food as it would in the wild. Because Kiwi is a nocturnal animal, Kiwi House is kept dark so that
visitors can see the bird in its natural environment. Day and night are exchange. It is amazing, isn’t it?
was curious to know about New Zealand food and Mr. Peter explained about it.
New Zealand food is close to European and Australian food. This blend of
influences has created a mouth-watering range of flavours and food in cafes and
restaurants nationwide. For dishes that have a distinctly New Zealand style,
there's lamb, pork and cervena (venison), salmon, crayfish (lobster), Bluff
oysters, whitebait, paua (abalone), mussels, scallops, pipis and tuatua (both
are types of New Zealand shellfish), kumara (sweet potato), kiwifruit,
tamarillo and pavlova, the national dessert. It sounds delicious for me.
Peter was travelling to Indonesia for a month by himself. He came to Indonesia
to work with NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) to make wooden educational
toys . He wanted to apply that wooden educational toys in a pre-school where he
taught. His occupation is a teacher and he teach young children (the age
between 3 until 5 years). He also came to Indonesia for backpacking.
I asked about his hobby, Mr. Peter explained a lot about hobby. His hobby is
gardening vegetables. From his explanation, I get that there is a slide
different between hobby, pastime, and relaxation. He suggested us to open our
dictionary and searched it in thesaurus part.
smiled when we asked his opinion about Indonesia. He told us that Indonesia is a
very great country with a great culture. He interested with the temple and the
culture. But, there is one thing that he does not like. Indonesia is crowded
country. It is very different with New Zealand. New Zealand is sparsely
populated and Indonesia is densely populated.
the end of the interview, we asking his advice which country we should go for
vacation. He suggested us to go to New Zealand. New Zealand has many great
destination such as Kaikoura,
Coromandel Peninsula, Tongariro National Park, Westland National Park, Mt Cook
National Park, Bay of Islands, Rotorua, Queenstown, Abel Tasman National Park,
and Fiordland National Park.
What a great interview! I was very happy because I
could have an interview with Mr. Peter for more than a half an hour. I learnt
many things from him. After interviewing Mr. Peter, we walked and searched for
the next target.
We got a
chance to interview Marco from Montreal, Canada. It is the largest city in the
province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the fifteenth largest
in North America. Montreal is defined by its location in between the St.
Lawrence river on its south, and by the Rivière des Prairies on its north. The
city is named after the most prominent geographical feature on the island, a
three-head hill called Mount Royal, topped at 232 m above sea level.
travelling to Indonesia for three weeks by himself. In his opinion, Indonesia
is a very nice country with hot climate. The climate is different with Canada. Indonesia
also has many delicious food that he likes so much. Not only the food that he
likes, but also the culture.
He was an anthropologist and he was retired now. He
come to Indonesia just for vacation not for working. His hobby is photography
and travelling. He had ever visited Maluku many years ago and he had been
snorkelling in Bunaken. Snorkelling was the most interesting activity he did in
Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia and Mongolia were the best countries he had
ever visited. When I asked about things that he dislike from Indonesia, he
answered ,”It is very expensive to enter this temple.” We just had a short
interview with him because he just gave us 2 minutes for asking. That’s why I
can’t write a lot about him.
Our last target was Gijs, a foreiger from Holland. Holland
is a region in the western part of the Netherlands. The term Holland is
also frequently used as a pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the
Netherlands. This usage is generally accepted but disliked by Dutch people in
the other parts of the Netherlands.
Ajul, Kikik, Gijs, Lissa, Adit
Gijs came to Indonesia by himself for 2 months. He
came to Indonesia to teach in SMA 2 Denpasar Bali. Not only in Bali, he also teach
in Lombok. In his point of view, Indonesia is a country with friendly people
and nice culture but the weather is too hot for him. Indonesia has many
delicious food such as Nasi Campur and
Bakso. He loved that food. I
suggested him to eat Gudeg Jogja. There
was one thing that he did not like from Indonesia. Indonesia had a bad traffic
I asked him about his hobby and he answered that his
hobbies were travelling, visiting temples, climbing mountain, and playing
football. He usually went to visit many destinations with his friends. He had
visited Borobudur temple, Boko temple, and other temples around Yogyakarta. He
also had climbed Rinjani Mountain.
Gijs told us that there are no mountain and temple
in Holland. Indonesia and Holland are very different. We can see the difference
from the culture, the people, the climate, the landscpae, etc. Indonesia was
the best country he had ever visited. He hoped that he can come back to
Indonesia someday.
From 4 foreigners that I had interviewed, there are
two foreigners that I like. First, I like Mr. Peter. He is kind and polite. He
also gives me a lot of information about his country and makes me wanna go
there someday. Second, I like Gijs. He is very handsome, kind, polite, and he
can speak Indonesian. He is also a smiling person. He did not reject me to
interview him although he was busy taking pictures.
The field trip was really amazing for me. I could
meet many different foreigners with different character and learnt many things
from them. I also could practice my English ability. I hope that I can have
another amazing field trip in Speaking class next semester.